Dra. Lourdes Llaves Estévez
She graduated in Medicine and Surgery at the University of Seville, afterwards she specialized in Neurophisiology in the year 2003.
She is a member of the Spanish Society of Neurophysiology and her areas of expertise are Epilepsy and Clinic Neurophisiology.
She has many years of experience and performes all the test required for the diagnosis of the pathologies of the central and periferic nerve system.
La Dra. Lourdes Llaves Estévez atiende las siguientes compañías y/o mutuas aseguradoras:
- Activa Mutua
- Adeslas
- Caser Salud
- Cesma
- Fraternidad-Muprespa
- Fremap
- Ibermutuamur
- Mapfre Familiar
- Medifiatc
- Mutua Balear
- Mutua Gallega
- Sanitas
- Unión de Mutuas